S12 and CUD in Bergen

Skjermbilde-2014-05-11-kl.-10.59.39-672x372Residency at S12 Glass Gallery in Bergen, Norway with glass duo CUD; John Drury and Robbie Miller, from May 8.-16. Opening in S12 on May 16th 2014 at 7 pm. Opening performance at 7pm30 – CAPTURE:
Cry Piano (2014) for piano and glass by Tinna Thorsteinsdóttir with Alli Hoag – premiere
Mother picks on a computer, summer 1988 (2014): Gudmundur Steinn Gunnarsson
-toypiano, Tinna
-mosaic, Alli
Nothing is Real for piano, amplified teapot, tape recorder and miniature sound system (1990): Alvin Lucier
Satie meets glass: Tinna, glass piano & Robbie Miller, drum set